NYEMA Projects, Inc.

Medical Initiative

The majority of Nangchen's inhabitants have no access to basic medical care. Long distances, lack of viable transportation and poverty prevent most residents from receiving medical treatment from government health care facilities.
Several small primary health care clinics have been initiated by NYEMA to diagnose and treat patients with common health problems such as respiratory illnesses, arthritis, high blood pressure and gastrointestinal problems.

Progress Report

  • In 1997 and 1998, volunteer health care workers from the U.S. traveled to Nangchen to help evaluate the overall health care needs and to facilitate community-based medical treatment.
  • In 1999 we continued to improve basic health care through expanded support of 17 local primary care clinics and health care personnel.  In addition, we met with and continued to improve our relationships with local government health care administrators.
  • In 2002, NYEMA supported the construction of a traditional Tibetan and Chinese herbal medical clinic and women's medical school at Kala Rongo. The clinic's primary aim is to establish a firm base for women's health care in the local community.